Contexts 2 9 – Fast Window Switcher

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This module provides APIs to manage, store, and access context-localstate. The ContextVar class is used to declareand work with Context Variables. The copy_context()function and the Context class should be used tomanage the current context in asynchronous frameworks.

Context managers that have state should use Context Variablesinstead of threading.local() to prevent their state frombleeding to other code unexpectedly, when used in concurrent code.

Sort the row and look for a)high values and b) fast growing values both are good indicator for high switch rates of the process(es). Next check the CSwitch Delta row for a high value, since the value shows the context switches made per process explorer refresh interval (if the 'update speed' is set to one second, then you have Context Switches. Contexts 2.9 – Fast window switcher. Contexts is a radically faster and simpler window switcher. It gives you 4 ways to switch windows. The function has an O(1) complexity, i.e. Works equally fast for contexts with a few context variables and for contexts that have a lot of them. Class contextvars.Context¶ A mapping of ContextVars to their values. Context creates an empty context with no values in it. To get a copy of the current context use the copycontext function. Your note is very true, so make sure you don't run more than one batch file in the same command-window. Close the command window and open a new one first. Roman Rubio Monday, December 15, 2008.

See also PEP 567 for additional details.

Context Variables¶

class contextvars.ContextVar(name[, *, default])

This class is used to declare a new Context Variable, e.g.:

The required name parameter is used for introspection and debugpurposes.

The optional keyword-only default parameter is returned byContextVar.get() when no value for the variable is foundin the current context.

Important: Context Variables should be created at the top modulelevel and never in closures. Context objects hold strongreferences to context variables which prevents context variablesfrom being properly garbage collected.


The name of the variable. This is a read-only property.

New in version 3.7.1.


Return a value for the context variable for the current context.

If there is no value for the variable in the current context,the method will:

  • return the value of the default argument of the method,if provided; or

  • return the default value for the context variable,if it was created with one; or

  • raise a LookupError.


Call to set a new value for the context variable in the currentcontext.

The required value argument is the new value for the contextvariable.

Returns a Token object that can be usedto restore the variable to its previous value via theContextVar.reset() method.


Reset the context variable to the value it had before theContextVar.set() that created the token was used.

For example:

class contextvars.Token

Token objects are returned by the ContextVar.set() method.They can be passed to the ContextVar.reset() method to revertthe value of the variable to what it was before the correspondingset.


A read-only property. Points to the ContextVar objectthat created the token.


A read-only property. Set to the value the variable had beforethe ContextVar.set() method call that created the token.It points to Token.MISSING is the variable was not setbefore the call.


A marker object used by Token.old_value.

Manual Context Management¶


Returns a copy of the current Context object.

The following snippet gets a copy of the current context and printsall variables and their values that are set in it:

The function has an O(1) complexity, i.e. works equally fast forcontexts with a few context variables and for contexts that havea lot of them.

class contextvars.Context

A mapping of ContextVars to their values.

Context() creates an empty context with no values in it.To get a copy of the current context use thecopy_context() function.

Context implements the interface.

run(callable, *args, **kwargs)

Execute callable(*args,**kwargs) code in the context objectthe run method is called on. Return the result of the executionor propagate an exception if one occurred.

Any changes to any context variables that callable makes willbe contained in the context object:

The method raises a RuntimeError when called on the samecontext object from more than one OS thread, or when calledrecursively.


Return a shallow copy of the context object.

var in context

Return True if the context has a value for var set;return False otherwise.


Return the value of the varContextVar variable.If the variable is not set in the context object, aKeyError is raised.

get(var[, default])

Return the value for var if var has the value in the contextobject. Return default otherwise. If default is not given,return None.

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Return an iterator over the variables stored in the contextobject.


Return the number of variables set in the context object.


Return a list of all variables in the context object.


Return a list of all variables’ values in the context object.

Contexts 2 9 – Fast Window Switcher

Return a list of 2-tuples containing all variables and theirvalues in the context object.

asyncio support¶

Contexts 2 9 – Fast Window Switcher Kit

Context variables are natively supported in asyncio and areready to be used without any extra configuration. For example, hereis a simple echo server, that uses a context variable to make theaddress of a remote client available in the Task that handles thatclient: