Tower 3 6 0 4

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  1. Tower 3 6 0 4 X 4
  2. Tower 3 6 0 43
  3. Tower 3 6 0 41
  4. Tower 3 6 0 4 0

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R/towerunite: This is the official subreddit for Tower Unite! A Virtual World developed by PixelTail Games. It is, but the previous stickied post was 3.4.0, so I. I have had Tower 3 as my Home WiFi supplier now for 6 or more months and I can say that they are with out a doubt the #1 brand on the Wes Rand. I am 13.2Km from the supply Tower and there is NEVER a problem with signal. THANK YOU TOWER 3 YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!! For loudness N 0.0005) 0.35 N in sones According to Stanley Smith Stevens' definition, 1 sone is equivalent to 40 phons, which is defined as the loudness level of a pure 1 kHz tone at L N = 40 dBSPL, but only (!) for a sine wave of 1 kHz and not for broadband noise.

Ansible Tower 3.2 introduced the ability to choose an inventory file from source control, rather than creating one from scratch. This function is the same as custom inventory scripts, except that the contents are obtained from source control instead of editing their contents browser. This means, the files are non-editable and as inventories are updated at the source, the inventories within the projects are also updated accordingly, including the group_vars and host_vars files or directory associated with them. SCM types can consume both inventory files and scripts, the overlap between inventory files and custom types in that both do scripts.


Inventory updates run with Ansible version 2.8 and later, will use inventory plugins for some source types. These will be ran with options enabled to return the old content as well as the new content (e.g., hostvars, host names, groups). For more detail, refer to the Inventory Plugins section of the Ansible Tower User Guide.

4.1. Custom Dynamic Inventory Scripts¶

A custom dynamic inventory script stored in version control can be imported and run. This makes it much easier to make changes to an inventory script, rather than having to copy and paste one into Tower, it is pulled directly from source control and then executed. The script must be written to handle any credentials needed for doing its work and you are responsible for installing any Python libraries needed by the script (which is the same requirement for custom dynamic inventory scripts). And this applies to both user-defined inventory source scripts and SCM sources as they are both exposed to Ansible virtualenv requirements related to playbooks.

You can specify environment variables when you edit the SCM inventory source itself. For some scripts, this will be sufficient, however, this is not a secure way to store secret information that gives access to cloud providers or inventory.

The better way is to create a new credential type for the inventory script you are going to use. The credential type will need to specify all the necessary types of inputs. Then, when you create a credential of this type, the secrets will be stored in an encrypted form. If you apply that credential to the inventory source, the script will have access to those inputs like environment variables or files.

For more detail, refer to Credential types.

4.1.1. Update on Project Update¶

If the inventory source contains static content, it may be desirable to automatically update its content whenever the SHA-1 hash of its source project changes. This can be done by configuring the inventory source to Update on Project Update.

When this box is checked, the inventory source will not allow update-on-launch. Update-on-launch is important because some configurations require it. For example, when you set up a project that the inventory references to update in series before a Job Template runs, so that the inventory that the Job Template runs will have the updated form of that inventory. However, there are two other alternative ways to accomplish this:

  • You can make a job template that uses a project as well as an inventory that updates from that same project. In this case, you can set the project to update_on_launch, in which case it will trigger an inventory update, if needed.

  • If you must use a different project for the playbook than for the inventory source, then you can still place the project in a workflow and then have a job template run on success of the project update.

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This is guaranteed to have the inventory update “on time” (meaning that the inventory changes are complete before the job template is launched), because the project does not transition to the completed state until the inventory update is finished.


A failed inventory update does not mark the project as failed. Also, not every project update will trigger a corresponding inventory update. If the project revision has not changed and the inventory has not been edited, the inventory update will not execute.

4.2. SCM Inventory Source Fields¶

The source fields used are:

  • source_project: project to use

  • source_path: relative path inside the project indicating a directory or a file. If left blank, “” is still a relative path indicating the root directory of the project

  • source_vars: if set on a “file” type inventory source then they will be passed to the environment vars when running

An update of the project automatically triggers an inventory update where it is used. An update of the project is scheduled immediately after creation of the inventory source.

You can specify a location manually in the Tower User Interface from the Create Inventory Source page.

Refer to the Inventories section of the Ansible Tower User Guide for instructions on creating an inventory source.

This listing should be refreshed to latest SCM info on a project update. If no inventory sources use a project as an SCM inventory source, then the inventory listing may not be refreshed on update.

For inventories with SCM sources, starting in Ansible Tower 3.5, the Job Details page for inventory updates show a status indicator for the project update as well as the name of the project. The status indicator links to the project update job. The project name links to the project.

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4.2.1. Supported File Syntax¶

Ansible Tower uses the ansible-inventory module from Ansible 2.4 and later that supports all valid inventory syntax that Tower requires.

In order to make it configurable on the command line, the option --method is available with the awx-manageinventory_import command. Inventory updates from files will use a backported version of the ansible-inventory command for Ansible versions 2.4 and earlier.

For versions of Ansible 2.4 and later, the officially distributed ansible-inventory command will be used to process inventory files.

Tower 3 6 0 4


Morpheus supports Ansible Tower for configuration management. Morpheus accomplishes this by integrating with an existing instance running Ansible Tower (AT) 3.3.0-1 and earlier. The username and password required for integration can be a user with admin access or a user with project admin access.Morpheus will import the current Inventory, Templates, Hosts, Groups and Projects. In the integration view it will add a Job tab which will have information of all the jobs executed from Morpheus.Note: It will not import data of the jobs which are not executed from Morpheus.

Add Ansible Tower Integration¶

  1. Navigate to Administration -> Integrations and select + New Integration
  2. Select Integration Type “Ansible Tower”
  3. Populate the following fields:
    • Name: Name of the Ansible Tower Integration in Morpheus
    • Enabled: Enabled by default it is enabled. To disable the integration, uncheck this option and save.
    • Ansible Tower URL: This would be an https or http Ansible tower url.
    • Username: The user morpheus would use to communicate with Ansible Tower.
    • Password: Enter the password. Password is encrypted and saved in DB.
    • API Version: This drop down has one option v2 for now but may have others in future.
  4. Save Changes

Once you have completed this section and saved your changes you can set up a Cloud or Group to utilize this integration.

Scope Ansible Tower Integration to a Cloud¶

All instances provisioned in this cloud will have the Ansible Tower config option during provisioning. See below the Provisioning Options for more details about the options.

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure -> Clouds
  2. Edit the target Cloud
  3. Expand the Advanced Options section
  4. In the Config Management dropdown, select the Ansible Tower Integration.
  5. Save Changes

Scope Ansible Tower Integration to a Group¶

All instances provisioned in this Group will have the Ansible Tower config option during provisioning in any cloud part of the Group. See below the Provisioning Options for more details about the options.

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure -> Groups
  2. Edit the target Group
  3. Expand the Advanced Options section
  4. In the Config Management dropdown, select the Ansible Tower Integration.
  5. Save Changes

Provisioning Options¶

When provisioning Instances into a Cloud or Group with a Ansible Tower Integration added, an Ansible Tower section will appear in the Config section of the provisioning wizard. By default, Ansible Tower is enabled, but can be disabled by expanding the Ansible Tower section and unchecking Enable Ansible Tower.

Ansible Integration Provisioning options:

Enable Ansible Tower
Select to bootstrap
A list of Inventory available in Ansible Tower will appear in the drop down. Select an existing inventory. The instance will be added to the inventory selected.
Ansible Group
Enter the name of an existing Group in the inventory selected above.
Select an existing template or select the option ‘Create New Template’. If ‘Create New Template’ is selected below fields will appear and are mandatory
Template Name
Enter the template name
Select an existing project from the drop down options
Select a playbook from the dropdown to be associated with the template. Note: Morpheus doesn’t store a local copy of the playbooks visible in Ansible Tower. SCM or local path for playbooks should be maintained in Ansible Tower.
Execute Mode
Select one of the options from the dropdown
Limit to instance
This will execute the template on the instance provisioned.
Limit to Group
This will execute the template on all hosts attached to the group entered in the ‘Ansible Group’ field.
Run for all
This will execute the template on all hosts in the inventory
Skip execution
This will skip the execution of the template on the instance provisioned.

Use Case¶

You have Job template(s) in Ansible Tower to do post build config after the OS is deployed. The playbook with roles and tasks to do post build will add specific users and groups, install required packages, remove packages, disable services, change config for ntp, resolv, hosts etc. You want to add the instance to an existing Group/Inventory in Tower.

You can achieve this by adding the Ansible Tower Integration and then scope it to a Cloud or Group. While provisioning an instance, in the config stage you have the Ansible Tower section with option to select the post build job template, select the Inventory and provide an existing Group Name or if the Group doesn’t exist Morpheus will create it and submit for provisioning.

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Morpheus will provision the instance, once it is in the finalize state where the instance has an ip and has completed domain join if required, added user(s) or User Groups if specified then Morpheus will add the instance to the inventory and Group and run the Template which will do all the post build of the server.

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The output of the post build template execution can be see under Instance history.