Arcsoft™ – Website Builder 1 4

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  1. Website Builder. If you're thinking about creating a website, but you don't know anything about HTML, then Website Builder is the program for you: it inserts all of the HTML code for you, so all you have to do.
  2. The best e-commerce website builders offer both easy ways to drag and drop content on your site, as well as robust e-commerce features like product pages, shipping integrations, product options, coupons, payment gateways, and more. Here are my picks for the best e-commerce website builder: 1.
Arcsoft™ – website builder 1 4.1

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ARCSOFT Website Builder 简介:

ARCSOFT Website Builder for Mac是一款Web零基础网页设计所必备的工具。编辑和发布网站以及移动网络应用程序提供了一个可视化界面生成器。所有这一切打包成一个单一的应用程序专业的方式来管理和共享您的创作在Mac上。我们专业设计的模板和主题将从头开始一个不存在的过程。然后通过在页面上直接编辑或通过拖放新元素到您的网站来自定义您的主题。

  • 将块拖放到网格
  • 完全加载的模板库
  • 自定义每个模板的主题
  • 实时可视化编辑器直接在页面上编辑
  • 专业与响应块库
  • 以秒为单位导出和发布整个网站
  • 将自定义图像添加到媒体库
  • 100多种字体和自定义字体支持
  • 带语法高亮的代码编辑器
  • 还有很多,更多…


  • 响应封面照片
  • 标志和导航栏
  • 正文,标题和标题的文本框
  • 图像标题和图库
  • 视频播放器(本地,YouTube,Vimeo等)
  • 定价和订购表
  • 用户配置文件和管理
  • 可自定义的按钮和进度条
  • 联系和登录注册表单
  • 列表,面板和框表
  • 嵌入式内容的自定义代码框


你更有经验的网页开发人员吗? ARCSOFT™将帮助您的商业网站在几分钟内看起来更加专业和有利可图。


从我们专业设计的HTML5模板中选择一个,无需任何额外费用即可免费使用! ARCSOFT™专注于将网站建设从一个复杂而昂贵的流程转变为一个简单的拖放式平台。



我们的Live Visual Editor允许您通过直接在页面上编辑内容来节省时间 – 无需任何代码(除非您想添加自己的自定义代码,那么我们有一个内置的代码编辑器太。

使用ARCSOFT™保持在最新的网络发布工具之上。 HTML5,CSS3,JavaScript和jQuery已经完全集成到ARCSOFT™网站生成器中,用于高级编辑和最大潜力来构建完美的最终产品。

目视管理你的项目和文件从未如此简单。通过macOS High Sierra,开发人员可以利用新的组织方法。为了改善桌面集成,您可以通过点击一个按钮来创建文件和文件夹,就像在Finder中一样。网站的离线选项也适用于那些喜欢在本地制作的网站。

ARCSOFT Website Builder is Absolutely zero knowledge of web development is required.

Our professionally designed templates and themes will make starting from scratch a non-existent process. Then customize your theme by editing directly on the page or by dragging and dropping new elements to your site.

ARCSOFT™ web design software for the macOS platform provides a visual interface builder for creating, editing and publishing websites, as well as mobile web apps. All of this packaged up into a single application for a professional way to manage and share your creations on Mac.

  • Drag & Drop Blocks to the Grid
  • A Fully Loaded Templates Library
  • Themes to Customize Every Template
  • Live Visual Editor to Edit Directly on the Page
  • Professional & Responsive Blocks Library
  • Export & Publish Entire Websites in Seconds
  • Add Custom Images to the Media Library
  • 100s of Fonts & Custom Font Support
  • Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting
  • And Much, Much More…

Arcsoft™ – Website Builder 1 4th Edition


Our library full of a wide variety of blocks allow for easy use with predesigned templates, as well as newly created pages built from scratch. Each block can be dragged and dropped onto the page and are fully customizable. These customization options include multiple ways of editing such as shadows, backgrounds, text styles, borders and more!

A brief preview of our Customizable Blocks Library include:
  • Responsive Cover Photos
  • Logo & Navigation Bars
  • Text Boxes for Body, Headers and Titles
  • Image Headers & Galleries
  • Video Players (Local, YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)
  • Pricing & Subscription Tables
  • User Profiles & Management
  • Customizable Buttons & Progress Bars
  • Forms for Contact & Login-Signup
  • Lists, Panels and Box Tables
  • Custom Code Boxes for Embedded Content

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Are you new to web development? Not a problem! Building a website is now easy as selecting one of our many predesigned templates from the Templates Library, applying your favoured theme to that template and using the page builder to fill in your content with drag and drop blocks.

Are you more of an experienced web developer? ARCSOFT™ will help make your business website look more professional and profitable within minutes.


Choose from one of our professionally designed HTML5 templates that are available to use, commercial-free, at no extra cost! ARCSOFT™ specializes in turning website building from a complex and expensive process, to a simple drag and drop-type platform.

ARCSOFT™ was designed to save you time and money, while offering easy ways of building professional websites with no coding knowledge required. All website templates are responsive, built using HTML5 and are updated constantly to meet tomorrow’s standards. All website templates have also been designed and optimized for pixel-perfect viewing on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.


Our Live Visual Editor allows you to save time by providing you with the ability to edit your content directly on the page – no code required (unless you would like to add your own custom code, then we have a built-in Code Editor for that too.

Use ARCSOFT™ to stay on top of the latest in web publishing tools. HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery have been fully integrated into the ARCSOFT™ Website Builder for advanced editing and maximum potential to build your perfect final product.

Arcsoft™ – Website Builder 1 4e

Visually managing your projects and files has never been easier. With macOS High Sierra, new methods of organization have been made available for developers to take advantage of. To improve desktop integration, creating files and folders, like you would in Finder, is made available to you with the click of a button. Offline options for websites have also been made available for those who prefer to have them made locally.



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