Fontagent 7 2 2

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FontAgent 2.7, which replaces Font Box, the leading font maintenance and repair utility for Macintosh computers. The new FontAgent name better represents the product’s capabilities and future direction. FontAgent 2.7 adds hot web links as well automatic recovery features that enable the. FontAgent 7 and FontAgent Sync review: All-new interface and font syncing across users and Macs. Posted by Jay J. On October 18 2016. Forward to a friend; PREVIOUS ARTICLE « Review: Google's new Pixel XL is a fine phone - but is it really special?

  1. Fontagent 7 2 2 Player Games
  2. Fontagent 7 2 2 X 4

FontAgent 简介:

FontAgent for Mac 是世界上最聪明的字体管理和修复工具之一。你会注意到的第一件事是它全新的、令人震惊的界面,它具有清晰的字体预览、简单的控件和强大的集管理功能。激活、停用、查找字体、更改颜色、自定义文本,并在几秒钟内FontExplorer X Pro调整UI窗格的大小。

FontAgent 7.2.2 Build 7220 Size: 28.29 MB FontAgent is a revolutionary release of the one of the world’s smartest font managers. The first thing you’ll notice is its all-new, stunning interface that features crisp font previews, simple controls, and powerful set management. Activate, deactivate, find fonts, change colors, customize text, and resize UI panes in. FontAgent 7.2.2 Build 7220 Size: 28.29 MB FontAgent is a revolutionary release of the one of the world’s smartest font managers. The first thing you’ll notice is its all-new, stunning interface that features crisp font previews, simple controls, and powerful set management.

  • 强大的新字体观众——预览你的字体在你选择的文本和颜色使用FontAgent重新设计的球员,比较和字形的观点。查看字体幻灯片,瀑布,段落,比较和字形集。将字符字形直接拖放到文档中。为每个段落、标题和项目选择合适的字体。
  • 创建一个集中的字体库,就拖你的字体变成FontAgent来验证其完整性,并将它们添加到你的集中库以及1350 +免费谷歌字体。当您导入字体时,FontAgent保存了您的新添加的完整历史记录,并将您不断增长的库归档到云中以保存。
  • 找到字体更快——输入一个搜索词,立刻找到字体的名字匹配属性,元数据或评论。想让你的注意力更集中?使用智能搜索在几秒钟内执行复杂的搜索,并将它们保存为智能设置,当您在集合中添加字体时自动更新。
  • 立即共享和同步字体——欢迎来到未来的字体管理:通过云——共享和同步字体不需要服务器许可证或政府。
  • 比以往更多的元数据——FontAgent 7发现比以往更多的字体的元数据。选择一个字体或设置,并在FontAgent的右边栏中查看它的属性和元数据。查看字体名称、格式、样式、规格、文件名、位置、激活、评分、评论——您需要了解的所有字体。
  • 探索你的字体使用表格视图——使用FontAgent的表视图是一个内置的电子表格,可以让您迅速地探索和比较字体的元数据。单击一个表列,根据它们的特性、铸造厂、大小、文件格式和版本号对当前选择的字体进行排序。激活和评价你的字体,点击。
  • 订阅和管理系统字体-订阅管理系统字体和字体自动从Adobe TypeKit和铅字SkyFonts等服务。预览并添加到集合中——就像所有其他字体一样。随着FontAgent的开放架构,所有的字体都在你的指尖。
  • 简单、高效的字体激活,点击幻灯片切换到手动激活和停用字体和集。在adobecreative Cloud和Suite apps中打开文档时,自动激活字体——包括InDesign、Photoshop、Illustrator和InCopy——以及QuarkXpress、Microsoft Office和其他流行的Mac应用程序。
  • 打印和导出你的字体——创建硬拷贝和PDF字体样本与客户和同事分享。只需点击几下,就能产生瀑布、段落、字体、字符集——任何你想要的东西。将字体导出为有组织的文件夹层次结构,用于存档或发送到服务局。
  • 灵活的许可选择——准备好改变你的创造性的工作流程?试用新的FontAgent 30天——无论是你自己还是你的团队。当您准备购买许可证时,选择性价比高的订阅或传统的独立许可——无论您喜欢哪个。

FontAgent is a revolutionary release of the one of the world’s smartest font managers. The first thing you’ll notice is its all-new, stunning interface that features crisp font previews, simple controls, and powerful set management. Activate, deactivate, find fonts, change colors, customize text, and resize UI panes in seconds. It’s font management done right–your way.

  • Powerful New Font Viewers – Preview your fonts in your choice of text and colors using FontAgent’s redesigned Player, Compare and Glyph views. View font slide shows, waterfalls, paragraphs, comparisons and glyph sets. Drag character glyphs directly into your documents. Select the right font for every passage, heading and project.
  • Create a Centralized Font Library – Just drag your fonts into FontAgent to verify their integrity and add them to your centralized library along with 1350+ free Google fonts. As you import fonts, FontAgent keeps a full history of your new additions and archives your growing library to the Cloud for safekeeping.
  • Find Fonts Faster – Enter a search term and instantly find fonts whose names, properties, metadata or comments match it. Want to sharpen your focus? Use Smart Search to perform complex searches in seconds, and save them as Smart Sets that auto-update as you add fonts to your collection.
  • Instantly Share and Sync Fonts – Welcome to the future of font management: sharing and syncing fonts through the Cloud–no server license or administration required.
  • More Metadata than Ever – FontAgent 7 discovers more font metadata than ever. Select a font or set and view its properties and metadata in FontAgent’s right sidebar. View font names, formats, styles, metrics, filenames, locations, activation, ratings, comments–everything you need to know about your fonts.
  • Explore Your Fonts Using Table View – Use FontAgent’s Table View is a built-in spreadsheet that lets you quickly explore and compare font metadata. Click a table column to sort your currently selected fonts by their traits, foundries, sizes, file formats and version numbers. Activate and rate your fonts with a click.
  • Manage Subscription and System Fonts – Manage system fonts and subscription fonts from services like Adobe TypeKit and Monotype SkyFonts automatically. Preview and add them to sets–just like all your other fonts. With FontAgent’s open architecture, all your fonts are at your fingertips.
  • Simple, Efficient Font Activation – Click slide switches to activate and deactivate fonts and sets manually. Auto-activate fonts as you open documents in Adobe Creative Cloud and Suite apps–including InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and InCopy–as well as QuarkXpress, Microsoft Office and a world of other popular Mac apps.
  • Print and Export Your Fonts – Create hardcopy and PDF font samples for sharing with clients and co-workers. With a few clicks, produce waterfalls, paragraphs, logotype, character sets–whatever you want. Export fonts into organized folder hierarchies for archiving or sending to service bureaus.
  • Flexible Licensing Choices – Ready to revolutionize your creative workflow? Try the new FontAgent for 30 days–on your own or with your team. When you’re ready to purchase a license, choose between a cost-effective subscription or a traditional stand-alone license–whichever you prefer.


Fontagent 7 2 2 Player Games


Fontagent 7 2 2 X 4

7.2.2 Build 7220英文2018-02-2625.4 MB