Dsp Quattro 5 2 17

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  1. Dsp Quattro 5 2 176
  2. Dsp Quattro 5 2 170
  3. Dsp Quattro 5

A DSP-5 is required for the reexport of such unclassified defense articles after incorporation into another article, modification, enhancement, upgrading, alteration or improvement. (c) Requirements. To use an exemption under § 123.4 (a) or (b), the following criteria must be met. Hofa has a nice product too, but I want to support from all those years after MasterList CD, Jam and Spark all died and DSP Quattro was one of the few MAC 2 track editors available. RnR Last edited by thetshirts; 24th May 2018 at 02:56 AM. DSP-Quattro v5.1.2 MAC TNT Sep 3 2019 46 MB Audio File Editing, AudioCD Mastering, Plug-in Hosting A new application forged on its distinguished past. Rebuilt from the bottom up for macOS Mojave (.), DSP-Quattro 5 stands on the foundation of its award-winning twenty-three year history, primed to carry on its tradition of excellence. The Quattro’s built in high pass crossovers ranges from 50 Hz all the way to 5 KHz, with a unique tweeter level gain adjustment if ran in active mode. Fear not, the B2 audio Quattro will still work as an ordinary 4 x 100 watt amplifier, but its small footprint is possible due to a class H design. Rebuilt from the bottom up to run on latest versions of MacOS, even 10.15 Catalina (.), DSP-Quattro 5 stands on the foundation of its award-winning twenty-three year history, primed to carry on its tradition of excellence well into the future.

(a) Port Directors of U.S. Customs and Border Protection shall permit the temporary import (and subsequent export) without a license, for a period of up to 4 years, of unclassified U.S.-origin defense items (including any items manufactured abroad pursuant to U.S. Government approval) if the item temporarily imported:

(1) Is serviced (e.g., inspection, testing, calibration or repair, including overhaul, reconditioning and one-to-one replacement of any defective items, parts or components, but excluding any modifications, enhancement, upgrade or other form of alteration or improvement that changes the basic performance of the item), and is subsequently returned to the country from which it was imported. Shipment may be made by the U.S. importer or a foreign government representative of the country from which the goods were imported; or

(2) Is to be enhanced, upgraded or incorporated into another item which has already been authorized by the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls for permanent export; or

(3) Is imported for the purpose of exhibition, demonstration or marketing in the United States and is subsequently returned to the country from which it was imported; or

(4) Has been rejected for permanent import by the Department of Justice and is being returned to the country from which it was shipped; or

(5) Is approved for such import under the U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program pursuant to an executed U.S. Department of Defense Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA).

These Exceptions do not apply to shipments that transit the U.S. to or from Canada (see § 123.19 and § 126.5 of this subchapter for exceptions).

(b) Port Directors of U.S. Customs and Border Protection shall permit the temporary import (but not the subsequent export) without a license of unclassified defense articles that are to be incorporated into another article, or modified, enhanced, upgraded, altered, improved or serviced in any other manner that changes the basic performance or productivity of the article prior to being returned to the country from which they were shipped or prior to being shipped to a third country. A DSP-5 is required for the reexport of such unclassified defense articles after incorporation into another article, modification, enhancement, upgrading, alteration or improvement.

(c)Requirements. To use an exemption under § 123.4 (a) or (b), the following criteria must be met:

(1) The importer must meet the eligibility requirements set forth in § 120.1(c) of this subchapter;

(2) At the time of export, the ultimate consignee named on the Electronic Export Information (EEI) must be the same as the foreign consignee or end-user of record named at the time of import;

(3) A stated in § 126.1 of this subchapter, the temporary import must not be from or on behalf of a proscribed country, area, or person listed in that section unless an exception has been granted in accordance with § 126.3 of this subchapter; and

(4) The foreign exporter must not require documentation of U.S. Government approval of the temporary import. If the foreign exporter requires documentation for a temporary import that qualifies for an exemption under this subchapter, the U.S. importer will not be able to claim the exemption and is required to obtain a DSP-61 Application/License for Temporary Import of Unclassified Defense Articles.

Dsp Quattro 5 2 176

(d)Procedures. To the satisfaction of the Port Directors of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the importer and exporter must comply with the following procedures:

(1) At the time of temporary import -

(i) File and annotate the applicable U.S. Customs and Border Protection document (e.g., Form CF 3461, 7512, 7501, 7523 or 3311) to read: “This shipment is being imported in accordance with and under the authority of 22 CFR 123.4(a) (identify subsection),” and

(ii) Include, on the invoice or other appropriate documentation, a complete list and description of the defense article(s) being imported, including quantity and U.S. dollar value; and

(2) At the time of export, in accordance with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) procedures, the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) registered and eligible exporter, or an agent acting on the filer's behalf, must electronically file the export information with CBP, identify 22 CFR 123.4 as the authority for the export, and provide, as requested by CBP, the entry document number or a copy of the CBP document under which the article was imported.

[58 FR 39299, July 22, 1993, as amended at 64 FR 17533, Apr. 12, 1999; 68 FR 61101, Oct. 27, 2003; 70 FR 50960, Aug. 29, 2005; 77 FR 16597, Mar. 21, 2012; 77 FR 22670, Apr. 17, 2012; 81 FR 54735, Aug. 17, 2016; 82 FR 17, Jan. 3, 2017]

Amplificateur 4 canaux installation fixe

2400W / 4 ohms
Powersoft universal switch mode power supply up to 400VAC tolerant
Monitoring and Processing
Fully protected circuit design

Quattrocanali 8804 DSP+D offers the traditionally amazing sound quality and reliability of all Powersoft products.

The patented SRM (Smart Rails Management) technology allows to maximize the efficiency of the system and drastically reduce power consumption in any load and usage condition. Quattrocanali features the lowest thermal dissipation in the industry, reducing the need for external cooling devices.

Quattrocanali is designed to operate with Lo-Z (from 2 ohms) and 70V/100V distributed lines or any mix of the two. DSP+D versions of the Quattrocanali grant in-depth control and monitoring via ArmoníaPlus, tailoring the sound and managing the system can be done by a remote, decentralized location.

This Amplifier Platform can also be trusted in mission-critical applications, such as fire alarm systems, thanks to the cleverly engineered power supply that allows reliable operation even when connected to a UPS.

Power supply

Dsp Quattro 5 2 170

  • Patented output filter with ripple cancellation network
  • Low Inrush Limiting reduces AC inrush current, removing the need for expensive power sequencers
  • Detachable AC mains cable with IEC C19/22.2 (16A for EU, 20 A for USA) socket


Fully protected circuit design with :

  • Ac protection: shut down power supply when AC mains voltage is outside operating range
  • Clip limiter: prevents severely clipped waveforms from reaching loudspeakers, while still maintaining full peak power output
  • DC protection: protects against infrasonic signal at the outputs
  • VHF protections: protects the loudspeakers against non audible, strong, non musical high frequency signals
  • Short circuit protection : protects the amplifier from short circuit or other stressful events for the output circuits with automatic protection reset
  • Long term limiter: protects the loudspeaker against steady long term rms (non audio) signals reducing maximum output
  • Thermal protection: output stages operating temperature up to 80°C
  • Temperature controlled continuous variable speed fan, front to back airflow
  • Temperature forecast with LCD traced historical behavior


  • Fixed frequency switch-mode output stage for high grade sound accuracy
  • Compact size – all models only 1 RU for reduced rack cost and space
  • Light weight – for easier racking and shipping: 7 kg (15.4 lbs)
  • Standard Phoenix connectors: analog audio outputs, aux supply, alarms and GPIO
  • Remotely switchable double input (main and aux) per channel

Dsp Quattro 5


  • Built-in defeatable clip limiters for each channel
  • Digital gain-attenuator control
  • Defeatable gate selection for each channel
  • User selectable gain/sensitivity
  • User selectable maximum output power for each channel
  • User selectable maximum mains current draw
  • Lockable set-up by user selectable access key code
  • Built in remote control via the RS-485 interface provides full diagnostic, operational setting and system monitoring
Dsp Quattro 5 2 17

Digital Signal Processing

  • TI C6000 DSP platform
  • AD/DA converter: dual 24bit @ 48 kHz Tandem® architecture
  • Input/output independent equalizers per channel providing PEQ, raised cosine, shelving IIR filters as well as custom output FIR filters
  • Delay up to 100 ms for time alignment
  • Active DampingControl™ for cable compensation
  • Peak, RMS voltage, RMS current, TruePower™ limiters

Remote Control and Monitoring

Via software:

  • Control and diagnostics monitoring via ArmoniaPlus
  • Dedicated WebApp

Via Hardware:

  • Attenuation (from 0dB to 26dB)
  • High-pass filters (35Hz, 70Hz)
  • Lo-Z/Hi-Z/70V/100V output selection
  • Adjustable gain (from 26dB to 35 dB)