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Permute is the easiest to use media converter with it’s easy to use, no configuration, drag and drop interface, it will meet the needs to convert all your media. Callnote premium 5.7.0 crack free. Easy to Use Built from the ground up, Permute is a perfect example of what a Mac app should be. With a gorgeous.

  • – Insanely Fast – Permute can utilize as much of your computer as possible to get stuff done ASAP. – Versatile – Videos, audio, images – Permute can handle it all. Want to create a DVD? No problem, Permute can do that too. With Permute 3.2 or later, you can also convert images into text!
  • So I have this code now, and in input I have in ascending order my name's letters 'ahimrsu'. I need to show up the right number for 'mariush' from all combinations which should to be 2170.


permutes the positions of the elements of expr according to the permutation perm.


returns the list of permuted forms of expr under the elements of the permutation group gr.

  • Permute works with any nonatomic expressions, operating on the first level of expressions.
  • Permute reorders the elements of an expression but never changes its length.
  • The permutation perm can be given in disjoint cyclic form or as a permutation list.
  • When perm is given in cyclic form Cycles[{cyc1,cyc2,}], a cycle {p1,p2,} moves the elements of expr in a cyclic manner so that expr[[pi]] is moved to position pi+1.
  • When perm is given as a permutation list, the result is equivalent to the use of Permute[expr,PermutationCycles[perm]].
  • A permutation group gr can be specified by generators, with head PermutationGroup, or in named form, with head SymmetricGroup, AlternatingGroup, .
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Basic Examples(3)

Cyclic permutation of three elements in a list:

Take the lowercase alphabet:

Exchange the first and last character:

Permute several characters:

Permute an expression under all elements of a group:


Permute the parts of an expression:

Permute the parts of an expression under all elements of a group:

Give a permutation in list form. The length of the expression does not change:


The eight possible rotations and reflections of a square:

Properties & Relations(5)

Permute never changes the number of parts of an expression. It simply reorders them:

However, Part can change the number of parts:

When applied to the identity permutation list, Permute is the inverse of PermutationReplace:

Permute can also be used as an alternative to PermutationList:

Another way of inverting the action of Permute is using FindPermutation:

When all parts of the expression are different, the permutation can be uniquely recovered:

Permute is a right action with respect to the product of permutations:

Introduced in 2010

1 先看看官方中英文doc:

1.1 permute(dims)


参数: - __dims__ (int ..*) - 换位顺序


1.2 permute(*dims) → Tensor

Permute the dimensions of this tensor.

Parameters: *dims (int...) – The desired ordering of dimensions


2 pytorch permute的使用


2.1 transpose与permute的异同

Tensor.permute(a,b,c,d, ...):permute函数可以对任意高维矩阵进行转置,但没有 torch.permute() 这个调用方式, 只能 Tensor.permute():

torch.transpose(Tensor, a,b)transpose只能操作2D矩阵的转置,有两种调用方式;




2.2 permute函数与contiguous、view函数之关联

Permute 2 2 2 2 Player Games

contiguous:view只能作用在contiguous的variable上,如果在view之前调用了transpose、permute等,就需要调用contiguous()来返回一个contiguous copy;



另:在pytorch的最新版本0.4版本中,增加了torch.reshape(),与 numpy.reshape() 的功能类似,大致相当于 tensor.contiguous().view(),这样就省去了对tensor做view()变换前,调用contiguous()的麻烦;

3 permute与view函数功能demo

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利用函数 permute(2,0,1) 可以把 Tensor([[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]]) 转换成:

如果使用view(1,3,2) 可以得到:

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5 参考

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发布于 2019-08-09